Join the Team

Join the Team

We are always looking for talented physiotherapists, pelvic floor physiotherapists, clinical pilates physiotherapists, kinesiologists, client experience members, and just overall amazing humans to join our team!

Working at Bump
  • bump physiotherapy team member gloria cheung pidor

    Gloria Pidor


    Clinical Director & Registered Physiotherapist


    Avid Hiker

    Mom of Two

    Marathon Runner

  • bump physiotherapy team member ashley nagle

    Ashley Nagle


    Registered Physiotherapist

    On Maternity Leave

    Travel Enthusiast

    Dog Mom

    Energized by People

  • bump physiotherapy team member carol tse

    Carol Tse


    Registered Physiotherapist & Clinical Pilates Instructor

    Port Moody & Langley

    Proud Dog Mom

    Loves to Travel

    Basically a Foodie

bump physio co blog best tips and techniques to prepare your pelvic floor for labour

Join the team

We're hiring!

We are always looking for talented physiotherapists, pelvic floor physiotherapists, clinical pilates physiotherapists, and client experience enthusiasts to join our team.

Working at Bump