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Pelvic floor physio


Are you looking to grow as a clinician? We have options to help you expand your knowledge and expertise as a physiotherapist.


The Bump Lab

Bump Physio & Co is proud to be launching an external mentorship program in beginning Fall 2023 for physiotherapists looking to gain increased knowledge, awareness and in depth understanding of advanced topics in pelvic health and pre and postnatal care. This mentorship program is designed to foster professional growth, clinical curiosity, connection and collaboration amongst our professional colleagues.

Get on the list

Your Bump Lab Mentorship Includes:

    bump physio and co career icon community culture

    12 Monthly Mentorship Calls

    Live monthly, pre-scheduled online mentorship sessions on a variety of clinically relevant topics in pelvic health.

    bump physio and co career icon community culture

    Access to clinical resource library

    Access to our online clinical resource library for the duration that you are in the mentorship program. The library is updated monthly to reflect the most recent evidence based practice.

    bump physio and co career icon community culture

    Office Hours

    Our clinical instructors will be holding weekly open office hours over Zoom to help or answer any questions you might have based on the material covered that month, or to support any clinical questions.

    bump physio and co career icon community culture

    Mentorship Slack Channel

    You will receive access to the mentorship Slack channel for the duration of the program. Here you can ask questions, learn, and connect with other pelvic health physiotherapists in the program and it will be monitored weekly by our clinical instructors.

    bump physio and co career icon community culture


    If you miss a live call, a recording of that session will be emailed out afterwards.


  • At $299.00 per month, this program is appropriate for all pelvic health physiotherapists, new grads and experienced clinicians are welcome. Intake is continuous so no need to wait for the next cohort, you can jump right in and get started today.

  • Monthly, pre-scheduled mentorship sessions will take place over Zoom on a variety of clinically relevant pelvic health topics. Think of it as 12 mini courses in 1. Topics include:

    • Pelvic organ prolapse and pessaries
    • Stress urinary incontinence, bladder supports and surgical repairs
    • Menstrual and abdominal pain conditions
    • Trauma informed care and the clinical implications of trauma
    • (Peri)menopause and genitourinary syndrome of menopause
    • Bowels and gastrointestinal health
    • Pelvic dermatological conditions
    • Transgender, non-binary and gender surgeries
    • Advanced diastasis recti and core progressions
    • Postpartum breast health conditions
    • Return to high impact activities
    • Anatomical and neurological review of the pelvic floor

    Disclaimer: Please note, topic rotation may change based on current practice needs.

  • Don’t worry, if you can’t make it to a session, all participants will receive the recording following the call.

  • We allow cancellations within the first 60 days if this program isn’t the right fit for you. You will only be charged for the months you accessed the program. After 60 days, there are no cancellations or refunds and you will be charged for the full 12 months of mentorship.

bump physio and co signing up for mentorship program


Be first on the list

The Bump Lab is launching September 2023. Please fill out the mentorship form below to stay connected and be the first to register.

Contact us

Bump Lab Mentorship Application

Mentorship love

Stories from our team

  • One of the biggest reasons I decided to join Bump was for the mentorship. Lacey has created a wonderful community and support within the team. The mentorship was a highly important piece of my growth. It helped me foster knowledge and skills that were essential for my confidence in treating in pelvic health. I have been with Bump for almost 3 years and am still amazed at the amount of knowledge that I learn from my team daily. This new program that Lacey and Kim have created is going to bring the mentorship to a whole other level for new clinicians joining. I am so excited to watch this team continue to grow and make such a difference in the Tricities!


  • As a practitioner that did not have any experience in pelvic floor therapy, prenatal or post-partum care prior to joining Bump Physio & Co., I felt like I was taught all of the tools I needed to confidently treat clients through the mentorship program. I was able to learn skills such as mastitis treatment, rehabilitative ultrasound imaging and clinical pilates that have helped me further my career as a physiotherapist. One you after being hired, I continue to learn, grow, and utilise the mentorship program whether that is seeking 1:1 help from another physiotherapist, attending zoom sessions with colleagues, or to learn a new skill to further my practice.


  • Being a part of the Bump team gave me the best possible support starting in pelvic health. Having access to organized resources, scheduled mentorship and education prior to starting and through the first months was beyond helpful. The clinical team is very knowledgeable and assisting with ongoing support, clinical reasoning and education.

    I am thrilled to be a part of this amazing team.


  • I feel very lucky to have a great onboarding mentorship training at Bump Physio & Co. The background reference reading materials and one-on-one meetings made me feel very comfortable before I even began working at Bump. I feel very supported working alongside an amazing team of dedicated individuals with a wealth of knowledge in pelvic health.


  • My experience at Bump has been so supportive and welcoming. There is nothing more amazing than joining a team of people who you know that you can reach out to at any time with a question or clinical case. Everyone at Bump has different skills and backgrounds, so there is so much depth to the team – this makes the perspectives on questions/cases really unique and well-rounded. As a new grad, feeling this support and open-ness to mentorship means the world to me. I continue to feel supported and nourished in my development as a practitioner, and very luck to be part of the Bump team.


  • The Clinical Team at Bump has been very open and supportive of my continued learning in the world of Women’s health and Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy. I continue to learn something new each day and am excited by the pearls of wisdom that each tea member brings. The mentorship support helps me grow personally and professionally! The structure and plentiful resources make it easy to apply the knowledge gained from courses and better help my clients to achieve their goals.


  • As a new grad, finding a clinic that placed importance on mentorship and growth as a physiotherapist was very important for me. My mentors at Bump have been incredibly knowledgable in many areas of pelvic health and general physiotherapy. They are always happy to answer questions and willingly take time out of their schedules to provide mentorship sessions. I don’t think I would feel as confident in my practice as I do now if I did not have the support of my colleagues at Bump.
