Bump Physio Co Langley FAQ Hero

Frequently Asked Questions


Please feel free to ask 1,001 questions or bring a friend to your appointment to make it a positive and supportive experience for you!

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What to expect

Many clients are often nervous about coming to their first physio appointment, and we would just like to say, ‘That’s OK!”. This page is designed to answer a few common questions and hopefully make each client feel a little more prepared, and at ease, to meet us!​​

    General FAQ

    • Yes, absolutely! Your comfort is our first priority and if you would like to bring someone to help ask questions, act as a support, or just be there with you, this is 100% OK with us.

    • Please wear something comfortable that allows the therapist to expose the area to be assessed and treated if required. For prenatal, postpartum, and exercise rehabilitation appointments comfortable, loose-fitting exercise clothing is preferred.

    • NO! Our therapists have training in a range of other areas including Clinical Pilates, manual therapy, sports rehabilitation, and vestibular conditions. They say variety is the spice of life, and we like to mix things up once in a while!

    • Yes, most extended health care plans cover physiotherapy services, including pelvic health physiotherapy, Clinical Pilates and Registered massage therapy. Please check with your insurance provider to understand your individual plan coverage prior to beginning treatment should you have questions.

    • Yes, we are able to direct bill the following providers:

      • Pacific Blue Cross
      • Medavie
      • Green Shield
      • Canada (Great-West) Life
      • Manulife, Sunlife
      • Chamber of Commerce
      • ClaimSecure
      • GroupHealth
      • Industrial Alliance
      • Johnston Group and;
      • OASIS.

      Please make sure to bring your coverage card and consent form with you to your first appointment.

    • At this time, we only accept ICBC claims. Please contact us to inquire.

    • We strive to foster an environment where clients feel safe and supported. In order to help you feel safe and avoid possible triggers, we ask that you discuss with your physiotherapist how they might make you feel more comfortable and better supported during assessment and treatment.

    • Clinical Pilates is an adaptation of traditional pilates, taught one on one by a Physiotherapist or Kinesiologist who has completed specialized, post graduate course work.  It can incorporate specialized equipment such as a reformer, tower or chair, and various mat exercise to release, retrain, strengthen and improve muscle coordination and control. Pilates techniques focus on breath, core strengthening, balance and flexibility.

      Exercise Rehabilitation is a personalized, movement and exercise-based program performed one on one with a Kinesiologist. Treatment may include cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility and release work, strength training, core stabilization and breath work depending on the client’s goals. Individualized exercise and active rehabilitation plans may incorporate both rehabilitative (foam rollers, trigger point balls, pilates balls, theraband squats, etc) and more traditionally gym based equipment (free weights, kettle bells, barbells, bosu and exercise balls, etc) into a treatment plan targeted to your specific needs.

    • At Bump Physio, we are strong advocates for self-care and at times, bringing a baby/toddler/child to your appointment can be distracting and take the focus away from YOUR needs. If at all possible, having someone care for your child(ren) for you to attend your visit(s), is preferred so we are able to spend that time 100% dedicated to YOU.

      However, if you do not have anyone available to care for your child(ren), please bring your babe/child with you. We are happy to hold, bounce, carry and entertain your little one as much as we can during your visit so you get the information and treatment you need.

    Physio FAQ

    • A pelvic floor physiotherapy assessment can involve both an internal and external examination of the muscles and structure of the pelvis. Your therapist may perform both a vaginal and rectal exam to assess muscle strength, tone, tension, and overall functioning of the pelvic floor.

    • At your initial assessment we will sit down and gather a detailed and in-depth medical history and information around the reason for your visit today. In order to help us find the best approach for you, we may ask you questions about your past medical history, home environment, surgical history, current medications, obstetric history, pelvic health, and treatment goals, etc. The more information you are able and willing to share with your physiotherapist or registered massage therapist, the more informed assessment and accurate physiotherapy diagnosis can be made. We understand that clients may or may not be as comfortable as us in discussing issues relating to pelvic health, however, we will do our best to ensure you are comfortable, informed, and feel heard during your visit.

      Next, we will do a detailed physical assessment, which may include an internal pelvic exam (vaginal and/or rectal) and we will use any relevant outcome measures to ensure a proper diagnosis. With this information, we will discuss your goals for treatment and design an individualized treatment that works for you and help you achieve your goals.

    • After scheduling your initial visit, we recommend booking 2-3 additional follow up visits 2 weeks apart to ensure continuity of care. Your clinician will create a treatment plan with you that meets your individual needs and goals.

    • Thank you for booking with us! If you need to cancel or move your appointment, 48 hours of advanced notice is required. If you cancel your initial visit within 24 hours of your appointment time, a 50% appointment fee will be taken if you choose not to convert it to an online appointment. If you cancel a follow up visit within 24 hours, it will automatically be converted to an online consult otherwise cancellations and no-shows are subject to the full appointment fee for repeated missed appointments.

    • An initial pre and/or post natal appointment is:

      • Appropriate for clients contemplating pregnancy, in the process of actively trying to become pregnant, those who are pregnant and those up to 1-year postpartum.
      • Appropriate for clients who may have had a recent miscarriage, stillbirth or those undergoing IVF treatment
      • Appropriate for conditions such as: low back and pelvic girdle pain, round ligament pain, scar tissue management (after both vaginal delivery and c-section), DRA, c-section rehabilitation, etc
      • For clients seeking education and activities to help prepare the body for labour and delivery and to optimize recovery post-natally.
      • An option for clients to CHOOSE from internal or external treatment options based on their level of comfort and stage in pregnancy (typically an INTERNAL assessment is NOT APPROPRIATE or indicated before 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, after ~ 37 weeks of pregnancy and is CONTRAINDICATED if the client has been told they’re high risk and have been placed on bed/pelvic rest).

      An initial pelvic floor appointment is: 

      • Appropriate for clients who are not actively entertaining the idea of becoming pregnant or are > 1 year postpartum.
      • Appropriate for conditions such as: incontinence, (peri)menopause, pelvic pain, pelvic organ prolapse, pain with sexual activity, unexplained low back/hip pain, bowel health, endometriosis, and bladder/bowel pain conditions.
      • These sessions are likely the appropriate choice for pediatric, cis-male or transgender clients (unless they fall in to the pre and post natal criteria above). Additionally, we have pelvic floor appointments for people with penises listed on our booking site.

      Both treatments MAY include an internal vaginal and/or rectal examination to assess pelvic floor function but only after a thorough discussion and consent is provided by the client.

    • An internal vaginal and/or rectal exam is considered the gold standard to assess how your pelvic floor is functioning which makes it the best option for the majority of conditions we treat in clinic. HOWEVER; although beneficial, internal vaginal or rectal exams are not mandatory to see improvements in your pelvic health.
      Conditions that are more likely to benefit from internal examination may include:

      • Urinary or fecal incontinence and frequency
      • Difficulty starting the stream of urine or fully voiding
      • Pelvic organ prolapse
      • Persistent pelvic pain
      • Pain with sexual activity
      • Vaginismus/vulvodynia
      • Pre- and post-pelvic/gynecological surgeries
      • Transition related surgeries

      Conditions that are more likely to improve without the immediate need for internal exam and may be treated externally include:

      • Urinary urgency
      • Abdominal wall and GI dysfunction (ie. DRA, constipation, IBD)
      • Recent onset of low back or pelvic girdle pain
      • Pubic symphysis pain
      • IC/Bladder pain syndrome
      • Diastasis recti / c-section birth recovery
      • Tailbone pain

      If your physiotherapist believes that you would benefit from an internal examination as part of your assessment based on your subjective history, or if you’ve opted for an external assessment and are not noticing significant changes or gains in your rehab progress to date, they might discuss including an internal vaginal or rectal assessment as part of their detailed assessment to ensure you are receiving the most comprehensive care possible.

      Lastly, if an internal exam is indicated but is not appropriate (ie. pediatrics, high risk pregnancies or pregnant individuals on bed/pelvic rest, individuals who do NOT consent to internal examination for any reason) Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging may be an alternate assessment and treatment option to provide more information about your pelvic health.


    • Risks associated with receiving massage therapy may include bruising, aching, discomfort, short term aggravation of symptoms, and skin irritation.

    • Benefits of massage therapy include temporary or long-term relief of pain or discomfort caused by muscles, nerves, fascia, joints, and related soft tissue. Treatment by your RMT may also increase mobility, improve function, and reduce pain and discomfort levels.

    • You may attend your appointment in any clothing you had on during the day! For more active based treatments it is best to come in something comfortable and stretchy.

    • You may undress to your comfort level. The only part of the body that will ever be exposed is the area you are having treated, which will be discussed with your RMT prior to starting treatment. The rest of your body will always be covered by a sheet. If you would like to leave on some or all of your clothing, our therapists can adapt their technique to ensure you still receive an effective treatment. Your boundaries and consent are our top priority so you may always feel safe at your appointment.

    • A bit of discomfort can sometimes be expected however the goal of the treatment is never to inflict pain. Massage therapy is most optimal when our body’s nervous system is able to send a “safe” signal to tissues, helping them soften and relax, which in turn improves mobility and decreases tension and pain. Your RMT will always adjust to lighter pressure if you are finding the treatment overly painful. We want you to leave feeling better than when you came in! You may experience tenderness for 24-48 hours following your treatment. Drinking plenty of water and gentle movement helps, however please discuss with your RMT at your next appointment if any discomfort lasts more than 48 hours.

    • Any time! Massage therapy is a great form of self-care during this phase of life to support your body while it’s going through significant changes. Please ensure to disclose to your therapist how far along you are in your pregnancy plus any complications or health concerns you are experiencing so they may treat you safely and effectively.

    • Generally, RMT it is safe at any time postpartum. Your RMT will ask questions about your delivery to ensure you are in the most optimal and comfortable position on the table. If you are chest feeding, we recommend feeding or pumping before your treatment to alleviate breast fullness and tenderness.

    • Yes It is! If you are seeking scar massage and abdominal work, pleasure ensure you’ve received clearance from your medical provider prior to beginning treatment with us. Massage and myofascial work directly to the scar should begin around 6-8 weeks postpartum.

    Registered Clinical Counselling FAQ

    • Individual Counselling:

      Our individual counselling sessions provide a confidential and supportive environment for you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship issues, or life transitions, our counsellor is here to help you develop coping skills, improve self-awareness, and achieve your personal goals.

      Couples Counselling: 

      Relationship dynamics can be complex, and our couples counselling sessions are designed to help partners improve communication, resolve conflicts, rebuild trust, and strengthen emotional bonds. Whether you’re facing challenges in your marriage, partnership, or family relationships, clinical counsellors provide a neutral and compassionate space for constructive dialogue and healing.

    • Prior to your first session, you are welcome to schedule a free 15 minute consultation with our registered clinical counsellor to determine if she will be a good fit for you.

      The initial session primarily focuses on building rapport and establishing trust as these are the building blocks to therapeutic success.  While counsellors boast effective clinical techniques, the key really lies in ensuring you feel at ease and comfortable enough to open up, be vulnerable, and forge a strong connection with your counsellor.  As humans, we thrive on connection.  Emotional healing doesn’t occur in isolation but through meaningful connections.

      When built on safety and trust, the therapeutic relationship can lead to profound healing.  


      Feeling some pre-appointment nerves?  Feeling nervous before your first session is completely normal!  Our clinical counsellor will help you shake off your pre-counselling jitters by creating a welcoming, non-judgmental environment which prioritizes building a positive relationship with you.

    • Meghan bases her approach on Integrated Family Systems.  She also applies evidence-based therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based approaches, and trauma-informed care.

    • At this time, we only offer virtual counselling sessions.  We know you’re busy with work, childcare, household responsibilities, and more.  Virtual counselling provides the convenience of attending sessions from the comfort of your own home without having to arrange childcare or travel to your appointment.  Book your appointment during naptime, make your favourite warm drink and settle into your coziest spot at home.

    • Many extended health benefit plans do cover registered clinical counselling services. As every plan is different, we recommend you contact your plan provider prior to your first counselling session to confirm your plan covers the Registered Clinical Counselling (RCC) designation.

    • While we do not direct bill for our counselling services, many insurance companies do provide mental health coverage.  Once you have paid for your session, we will issue you a receipt.  You submit this receipt to your insurance company for reimbursement.

    • Absolutely not!  We all have our ‘things’ that take up space in our minds or weigh heavily on us. Counselling offers a wide range of benefits beyond addressing serious mental health issues, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking support and personal or parental development.

    • While some people may find it helpful to write a list of different topics you’d like to discuss during your session with your counsellor, advance preparations are not necessary.  Your counsellor is skilled in encouraging dialogue by making you feel at ease and asking guided questions.  Please know your counsellor will not pressure you to share more than you are comfortable.  Your counselling sessions will evolve at a pace that feels right for you.

    • Virtual counselling, also known as telehealth, functions similarly to traditional in-person counselling but is conducted through digital platforms.  The digital platform we use at Bump Physio & Co is Jane.  Before your session, you will be emailed a secure link.  This is in accordance with Canadian Health Care and patient privacy laws.  From there, you just click on the link, get comfy, and begin!

    • Absolutely.  Our clinical counsellor embraces and respects individuals from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, religions and identities.  You are welcome here!

    • Great question!  The main differences between a counsellor, psychologist and psychiatrist lie in their professional qualifications, areas of expertise and the types of services they provide.

      A counsellor typically holds a Master’s degree in counselling or related field.  Counsellors primarily provide talk therapy and emotional support, often dealing with everyday life issues, relationship challenges and personal growth.  Counsellors are not able to prescribe medication.

      A psychologist holds a doctoral degree in psychology which involves extensive training in psychological assessment, research and therapy.  Psychologists specialize in diagnosing and treating mental health disorders through various therapy approaches.  In most cases, psychologists cannot prescribe medication.

      A psychiatrist holds a medical degree and has completed specialized training in psychiatry during their residency, focusing on mental health diagnosis and treatment.  Psychiatrists are able to prescribe medication.

    • We’re thrilled to hear you’re ready to get started!  You can find our counsellor’s availability here.  Once you have booked your first appointment, you will be asked to fill out our Intake and Consent form.  The Intake and Consent form will ask you to share basic contact details as well as your reason for seeking counselling services.  The information provided to us in the Intake form helps our counsellor prepare for your initial session ahead of time.  Please know this intake form is completely confidential and you may share as much, or as little, information as you like.

    • Please know that your counselling session has been reserved specifically for you.  If you need to cancel or move your appointment, 48 hours of advanced notice is both required and appreciated. If you cancel your initial visit within 48 hours of your appointment time, a 50% appointment fee will be taken. If you cancel a follow up visit within 48 hours, the full appointment fee may be charged for repeated missed appointments. Any fees incurred will be charged to your credit card on file.

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